Tithe.ly Engineering

Articles from the engineers at Tithe.ly

Tithe.ly is the #1 church technology platform providing all the tools you need to run your church.

Articles by Max VelDink

GitHub Notification Tips

Recently, Tithe.ly has been formalizing our processes around GitHub and our pull request process. As a part of this, I shared some tips that I’ve applied to my personal GitHub (GH) workflow to make notifications actually useful. For purposes of this post, when I say Github Notifications, I’m talking about your personal notification inbox that you have available at https://github.com/notifications that you might not even know exists! We will only really talk about notifications in the context of one GitHub organization. However, you can apply these same principles to any other organization, personal repos, or other watched repos that you participate (or want to participate) in.

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Tithe.ly Engineering Blog Liftoff

Engineering blogs are pretty trendy these days. Here at Tithe.ly, we didn’t want to be left behind. Plus, our engineers solve problems every day that we feel should be shared widely with our community. Let’s get a little meta and talk about how we stood up the site you’re on.

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